Maria or, the Wrongs of Woman
by Mary WOLLSTONECRAFT (1759 - 1797)
Preface and Author's Preface - 19:00
Chapter 01- 14:48
Chapter 02 - 22:01
Chapter 03 - 16:18
Chapter 04- 09:21
Chapter 05 - 40:21
Chapter 06 - :09:12
Chapter 07 - 25:46
Chapter 08 - 09:37
Chapter 09 -18:06
Chapter 10 - 17:08
Chapter 11 - 17:38
Chapter 12 - 17:59
Chapter 13 - 16:13
Chapter 14 - 07:48
Appendix & Chapter 15 - 06:21
Chaptern 16 - 11:09
Chapter 17 - 12:30
Conclusion - 07:28